Become a Client

In order to use our service, you must first be registered as a client.
Becoming a client is easy! You can Register Online with our Online Registration Form
or by downloading and completing the form, and returning it to us via mail or email.
1. Fee for Rides
• Fees are based on distance travelled from your home to your destination.
• Urban/Rural Rides will bill the member monthly; there will be no cash transactions between drivers and members.
2. Reservation Procedures
All rides are to be reserved at least 48 hours in advance by speaking directly to the coordinator/dispatcher.
Drivers will be instructed NOT to take ride reservations other than those arranged through the to ride coordinator.
3. Registration Form
Procedures by applicant:
a) Complete the registration form.
b) Once the form is completed and signed, send it to the contact information on the application.
Please note that all incomplete or illegible forms will be returned to the applicant and the application will be delayed.
Forms are be completed by the applicant, any other person designated by him/her, or by his/her legal representative if the applicant cannot act.
Confidentiality of information provided will be respected under the Privacy Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information. This information is for the exclusive use of Urban/Rural Rides