Lisa Wadup – [Shediac area]

Hello, my name is Lisa and I became a volunteer driver with Urban Rural Rides because I love to take care of people and I love to drive! After working 41 years as a Research Nurse Coordinator in Neurology and Neurosurgery I missed my patients and wanted to volunteer somewhere that would allow me to help people. I started doing Meals on Wheels and then applied to be a driver with Urban Rural Rides when I heard an add on the radio asking for new drivers in May 2022. I have loved every minute since! The people are wonderful and so thankful for the service we provide. I would drive every day if they would let me!     It has been a pleasure meeting all my new friends and helping them to get to their appointments. This is a wonderful organization doing such a needed service for so many. We need more drivers and I have put up posters in as many places as I could. I give out our business cards to everyone I can in hope that someone will volunteer as I did.                                                                                                                                    Have a great day!!