I have been a Volunteer Driver since January 2022. 

I decided to join Urban Rural Rides to be helpful to a lot of people in need of transportation at first for medical reasons and then I have extended to any reason approved by our Ride Coordinator for Edmundston and Northen New Brunswick. I did some long distance rides too, Quebec City and Rivière-du-Loup, Qc.

It is pretty easy for me to be available just about any time.

For me, the rule is simple.  Since I am in good shape, I can help my customers getting in and out of the car.  No matter their health condition.  I am glad because all of them seem to appreciate my help.

For me, it’s a very good way to get in contact with people for a very good reason.  Every week, I am asked to drive people and it’s a very good way to get out of the house for a while.

I tried to recruit new drivers but it is not easy.  I also distribute pamphlets and business cards in Edmundston and in the Haut-Madawaska region.

I am a local person because of the jobs I had in the past.  As a Customs Officer, many people already knew me before I became a Volunteer Driver and they are happy to see me again in an other way.
