Hi, my name is Elsie Doucet and I live in Moncton.
In 1995 I started working for UPS as a customer service representative and was promoted to supervisor one year later. In 2015 I decided to semi-retire but continued working as an inbound representative, working mornings only, until our center closed in 2021.
After UPS closed, I started searching online for volunteer opportunities to fill my time since I didn’t want to go back to working full time. I came across Urban/Rural Rides and it seemed this volunteer opportunity was just what I was looking for. I like driving and meeting people and I decided to apply.
When I started driving 6 months ago, it was mostly to give me something to do in the mornings and to occupy my time, but my motivation has completely changed since I started driving clients.
At the beginning, everyone was a stranger but today by driving the same people regularly, we have established a connection and I’m always happy to see them. We’ve had laughs & great conversations. Also, for our clients, it provides them with a friendly known person to drive them to their appointments and a most economical way. Over the past months, I have not heard a single complaint. Quite the opposite, everyone appreciates our service and sincerely thank me every time I pick them up and drive them to their appointments. It makes me feel very appreciated and I am grateful for this opportunity to be able to contribute to our community. I really enjoy helping our clients, I’ve come to learn sometimes it doesn’t take much to make a big difference in someone’s life.
I am also an artist and over the years have exhibited & sold my works in various craft shops across our region. I love long walks and travelling.