Urban Rural Rides is pleased to announce that our ‘Virtual Drop In Centre’ is available to participants in New Brunswick.  We host our meetings once a month and our next zoom meeting is on Wednesday, June 28th at 1:00 pm – {see virtual link below}.  

Our topic this month will be ‘Herbs & Spices’ and we are pleased to have Kirstin Shortt, President of Urban Rural Rides show us some of her frequently used ‘Herbs & Spices’ that will add even more flavor to your favorite meals and recipes!   Hope you can drop by as this is a perfect time to connect with new friends especially in the rural community.

Bring a coffee and join us at our next meeting!

‘Herbs & Spices’– 28 June 2023 –  1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Atlantic Time – Halifax)
 Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86940174609?pwd=aW9iYXB4ZE1xa1FEUWlnUlk5OEhaZz09Meeting ID: 869 4017 4609
Passcode: 698169
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbzz7P5caf  Organizers:   Kirstin Shortt, Chairperson, Urban Rural Rides – [email protected] LeBlanc, Manager, Urban Rides – [email protected]